It's an amazing thing to collect your own seeds and grow them from such a small tiny piece of life to a large edible plant. Sprouting, nurturing, and harvesting your own organic food with no bad chemicals is not beyond the reach of anybody with some ground and plenty of water. You need good soil, organic matter, close to full sun and no tree roots nearby. Composting is the backbone of my garden with automatic watering that can keep everything moist while we are away. There is no price on the taste and food value of a plant that we harvested only moments before we ate it. One of our well known secrets is that we grow hearted lettuce, big tomatoes, snow pears and cabbages when all the bugs are dormant. We grow them in winter. In summer we grow non hearting lettuce, snake beans, cucumbers, zuchinnis and pumpkins. Most of these plants are hardy and also have hairy leaves that grubs and pest do not like. We kill any grasshopper that lands in our backyard and many birds come to help us too. If you grow the right things at the right times you will greatly reduce any problems. Don;t become a bug breeder by growing the wrong things at the wrong time. Get advice from a local gardening group. This is my lovely local group